How to Use This Site

If you want to find out about some topic, such as "abortion," or "truth," or "God," or "assisted suicide" or "energy" or "the death penalty" or "immortality," then click on the Topic Index button. This will lead you to the parts of the different books that discuss the topic at some length.
    For ease in browsing the list, there is an alphabet at the beginning. Click on the letter, and it will take you to the topics beginning with that letter. At the end of each letter there is a link to take you back to the alphabet.

(Generally speaking the Modes of the Finite link will take you to the most in-depth treatment, but you might have to back up and move around the file to see the topic in context.)

If you want to read a book or download it, click on the List of Books button. You will be taken to a list of the different books with descriptions and tables of contents. By clicking on the link to a given book, you will be taken to the first file in that book, and you can read it or print it out. At the end of the file, the link "next" will take you to the next file in that book. That way, you can print out the whole book if you like, chapter by chapter.
NOTE: To download a file to your computer, right click on the link, then choose "save target as" and give it a name and a location somewhere on your computer. You can then format it as you wish (or translate it into your own language, if you're interested). If the link is to a pdf file, which is readable as book pages and printable as such, then if you LEFT click on the link, you will open it in the Adobe Acrobat reader you have on your computer (you do have one, don't you? It's free.) This will allow you to read it and also to print it. (See the directions in the "books" section.) You save these files in the same way as above. Right click on it, choose "save target as," give the file a name with the extension pdf somewhere on your computer, and there you are.

Note: If you find a cross-reference or footnote link and you click on it, then after reading it, click on the back button in your browser to get you back to where you were.

If you use these files, I would appreciate your mentioning where you got them, so others can take advantage of this site.

NOTE: Some of these files are very large, because they're the whole book, which can be 300 pages or more. Give yourself plenty of time and paper if you want to print them, or choose page ranges.

If you want to look at some of the art works I have perpetrated, then click on the Art Works button.

If you want to hear the sound of some of my performances, click on the Performances button.