The Ten New Commandments

This book is a critique of the New Morality, which in fact is not simply permissiveness or amorality, but a developed moral code that its adherents are trying to impose on everyone. Every moral code, without exception, is a spelling out of "don't act as if you weren't what you really are," and differences in moral codes depend on a person's definition of what we "really are." For the New Morality, we are the result of blind evolution, and so the Ten New Commandments spell out what this means for human actions. The book goes through each of the Commandments, shows that in many cases they contradict themselves, and in an interlude after each one spells out what the best evidence indicates that the facts are, and what the implications for this are.


The First New (And Great) Commandment: Thou Shalt Make No Claim to Absolute Truth
Interlude: The Facts about Truth
The Second New (And Great) Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Force Thy Morals On Anyone Else
Interlude: Freedom, Values, and Morals
The Third New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Be Intolerant
Interlude: The Theory of Evolution
The Fourth New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Restrict Instinctive (especially sexual) Gratification
Interlude: Human Sexuality
The Fifth New Commandment: Thou Shalt Limit the Human Population of the World
Interlude: Feminism's Tragic Turn
The Sixth New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Harm the Environment
Interlude: Stewardship
The Seventh New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Discriminate
Interlude: Human Dignity
The Eighth New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Be Greedy
Interlude: Human Economics
The Ninth New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Do What is Unhealthy
Interlude: The New Prophets
The Tenth New Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Worship (at least as the Religious Right does)
Epilogue: What's the Point?